How to set Goals for your Hatch Candidate?
Sophie avatar
Written by Sophie
Updated over a week ago

Setting clear goals with your Hatch candidate is a key ingredient for a successful placement - it helps your candidate stay on track and motivated. 

Below we've outlined our 3 steps to goal-setting success and 2 key tools to get you there.

3 steps to goal setting success

  1. Clarify what goals you want to set using a goal-setting framework like SMART or WOOP - see these tools below and talk these through with your candidate, including the why behind each goal and how it helps your team achieve its goals. 

  2. Create an action plan together - click here for the downloadable Hatch template. 

  3. Check-in and motivate! Keep on top of your Hatch candidate’s goals and if for whatever reason they’re not meeting or exceeding their goals, please email us at so that we can help. 

Goal-setting tools: SMART and WOOP

SMART goals

First time setting goals? The SMART goal-setting framework is a nice place to start. This framework is execution and task-oriented, helping you outline what you need to do and by when. SMART stands for:

Specific: Writing super defined goals helps you understand what is and isn’t in scope, and allows you to see a clear picture of success. Lightly touch on the below W’s:  

  • Who – needs to be involved to achieve the goal (this is especially important when you’re working on a group project).

  • What – you are trying to accomplish and don’t be afraid to get very detailed.

  • When – you need to achieve this by (see “time-bound” as well below”)

  • Why – this goal? What makes it important/ valuable to you?

E.g. I will write 3 blog posts a week in collaboration with the customer success team.  

Measurable: Getting down how you will measure the goal is important because it allows you a way to measure meaningful progress. How will you determine if you meet the goal? Make sure your goal is refutable (e.g. you can determine if you don’t achieve it).

E.g. I’ll have 2 blog posts completed by Wednesday each week to ensure I have time to write the 3rd blog post and get feedback from the team

Attainable/ achievable: Is this goal realistic? Make sure your goal is achievable to do in the timeframe you’ve allocated, and if you have the tools/skills needed. If you don’t currently possess those tools/skills, consider what it would take to attain them.

E.g. I need to make sure I’ve put the time in the Customer Success team’s diary so that they can regularly review the blog posts before they go out

Relevant: Sense-check - is this goal relevant/ does it make sense, taking into account broader business goals? For example, if the goal is to launch a new product, it should be something that’s in alignment with the overall business objectives. 

E.g. Yes, it meets the broader team needs

Time-bound: Anyone can set goals, but if it lacks realistic timing, chances are you’re not going to succeed. Providing a target date for deliverables is critical. When do you need this done by? Are there smaller goals that need to be achieved in a timeline to achieve a broader goal?

E.g. Yep - it’s 3 a week

So …

Your candidate's goal: "I will write 3 blog posts a week in collaboration with the customer success team. To do this I need to have 2 blog posts completed by Wednesday each week to ensure I have time to write the 3rd blog post and get feedback from the team and I need to make sure I’ve put the time into the Customer Success team’s diary so that they can regularly review the blog posts before they go out."

You can now create your action plan! Click here for our downloadable resource. 

SMART goals not working for you? Try The WOOP Framework.  

The WOOP Framework

The WOOP framework can be used to set habit-changing or adaptive goals, by Gabriele Oettingen (professor of psychology at New York University). WOOP stands for:

Wish/ want: What is your most important wish or want? Pick a goal that feels challenging but that you can reasonably fulfill within the next four weeks. Describe this in 4-8 words.

e.g. Having fortnightly feedback sessions with my Hatch candidate. 

Outcome: If your goal/wish is fulfilled, where would that leave you? What would be the best, most positive outcome?

e.g. Candidates performing well and happy in the team, in good communication feel less stressed.  

Obstacle: What might holds you back from fulfilling your goal? What can get in the way? It might be an emotion, an irrational belief, or a bad habit.

e.g. I’m super time poor, it’s the first thing to get de-prioritised when other tasks pop up

Plan: What can you do to overcome your obstacle? Identify one action you can take or one thought you can think of to overcome your obstacle.

Make the following plan for yourself:

“If… (obstacle), then I will … (action or thought).”

e.g. If / When something important comes up that makes me want to cancel our feedback chat, then I will shorten our chat to a 15 minutes walk-and-talk feedback catch-up instead.

Read more by clicking here

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